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A SMART Approach To Real Estate

Posted by India Kutir on June 15, 2020

A SMART Approach To Real Estate

There are so many aspects, contingencies, scenarios, and differences, in real estate, it serves little sense, to seek, some, overly simplistic approach, but, rather, it makes more sense, to look at the bigger – picture, and proceed, with a SMART way/ method! Some of the considerations, should include: current economic state, as well as foreseeable future; consumer confidence; specific, personal needs; present finances; personal comfort zone; future financial possibilities; region/ area/ neighborhood, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, review, examine, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this matters, and why, it is the wisest, possible approach.

1. Systems; sustainable; strengths; solutions; sense: When considering houses. it is wise, to avoid, simply, following, any emotional first – look, but, taking the time, and making the effort, to consider, all the specific house’s systems, and see, which might best serve your needs, etc! Consider, what you believe, the foreseeable future, may, offer, and select a sustainable place! Know, identify, and consider, every property’s strengths, as well as weaknesses, and determine, which one, makes the most sense, in the longer – run, and has the finest solutions, for your personal needs, etc.

2. Money; motivating; meaningful: Begin, by giving yourself, a check – up. from the neck – up, and in an introspective, objective manner, and knowing, if you can afford the up – front money, as well as the future financial responsibilities of home ownership! Your home must be personally, motivating, because, for most of us, the financial value of a house, represents our single – biggest, financial asset. Make the finest, most meaningful, personal, well – considered, decision!

3. Attitude; attention; aptitude; actions: Focus on why, and how, you can, instead of cannot! Proceed with a true, positive, can – do, attitude, and pay keen attention, the your options, etc. Learn as much, as possible, so you are prepared, and develop, the most relevant, skill – set, and aptitude. Proceed with taking personal charge of your life, and take the actions, needed and necessary!

4. Relevant; responsibility/ responsible/ responsive; realistic: Know your individual needs, and requires, and consider, your quest, in relevant terms! Take the personal responsibility, to take responsible measures, which are responsive to your present and future needs, in a realistic manner!

5. Trends; time – tested; timely; trust: Trust your little – voice, and know, which trends, are best fitted, to you! Learn the time – tested, industry – related, information, and avoid procrastinating, proceeding in a timely manner!

Be your best friend, and use a SMART approach to real estate. Are you prepared?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and a RE Licensed Salesperson, for a decade+. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for real estate:

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