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Places to Visit Near Kochi Within 50 KMs: 10 Must-Visit Places within 50 Kilometers

Posted by India Kutir on September 1, 2023

Nestled along the serene coastline of Kerala, Kochi, often referred to as the ‘Queen of the Arabian Sea,’ is a city that effortlessly blends the old-world charm of its colonial history with the vibrant pulse of modern India. While the heart of the city is a fascinating tapestry of cultures, traditions, and culinary delights, it’s also surrounded by a plethora of natural wonders and cultural Places to Visit Near Kochi Within 50 KMs radius.

In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey to discover ten incredible places to visit near Kochi, each offering a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of this region.

Fort Kochi (13 km)

Starting our journey in the heart of Kochi itself, Fort Kochi is a historic neighborhood that transports you back in time. The Dutch, Portuguese, and British have all left their mark on this coastal gem, which is evident in its architecture and quaint streets. Stroll through the picturesque Fort Kochi Beach, visit the iconic Chinese Fishing Nets, explore the Indo-Portuguese Museum, and savor some mouthwatering seafood at local eateries.

Mattancherry (12 km)

Adjacent to Fort Kochi, Mattancherry is renowned for the stunning Mattancherry Palace, also known as the Dutch Palace. This architectural marvel is adorned with exquisite murals depicting scenes from the Ramayana and other epic tales. You can also explore the vibrant Jew Town, home to the historic Paradesi Synagogue and an array of antique shops.

Cherai Beach (30 km)

If you’re a beach lover, Cherai Beach is a paradise waiting for you, just a short drive from Kochi. This pristine beach is renowned for its golden sands, gentle waves, and mesmerizing sunsets. You can indulge in water sports, take long walks, or simply relax with the soothing sound of the waves as your backdrop.

Athirapally Falls (70 km)

Venturing slightly beyond the 50-kilometer radius, you’ll discover the breathtaking Athirapally Falls. Often referred to as the “Niagara of India,” these waterfalls are a spectacle to behold. The lush green surroundings and the thundering waters create a scene straight out of a postcard. It’s a haven for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

Kodanad Elephant Training Center (45 km)

For an unforgettable experience with gentle giants, make your way to the Kodanad Elephant Training Center. Here, you can watch and even participate in activities like elephant bathing and feeding. It’s a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with these magnificent creatures and learn about their conservation efforts.

Thattekad Bird Sanctuary (52 km)

Just a short drive away from Kochi, the Thattekad Bird Sanctuary is a paradise for birdwatchers. This lush, evergreen forest is home to over 300 species of birds, including the Malabar Grey Hornbill and the Indian Pitta. Guided treks and boat rides are available to help you explore the rich avian diversity of this region.

Hill Palace Museum (13 km)

Located in Tripunithura, a mere 13 kilometers from Kochi, the Hill Palace Museum is a treasure trove of history and art. This museum was once the royal residence of the Kochi Maharajas and now houses a fascinating collection of artifacts, paintings, and sculptures that provide insights into Kerala’s royal heritage.

Bolgatty Palace and Island (5 km)

Situated just 5 kilometers from Kochi, Bolgatty Island is a serene oasis in the midst of the bustling city. The Bolgatty Palace, a Dutch-era mansion turned heritage hotel, is the highlight of the island. You can take a leisurely stroll through the lush gardens, enjoy a meal at the on-site restaurant, or even stay in the palace for a taste of royal living.

Marine Drive (10 km)

A picturesque promenade that stretches along the backwaters of Kochi, Marine Drive is the perfect place for a leisurely evening walk or a boat ride. The views of the setting sun over the Arabian Sea are enchanting, and the bustling street food stalls offer a delightful culinary experience.

Willingdon Island (7 km)

Created by human effort during the British colonial era, Willingdon Island is now a bustling commercial and industrial hub. While it might not be a typical tourist destination, the island offers a glimpse into Kochi’s maritime history. You can take a ferry ride to explore the island, visit the Port Maritime Museum, or simply enjoy the views of the bustling harbor.


The region around Kochi is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be explored. Whether you’re interested in history, nature, culture, or simply unwinding on the beach, these Places to Visit Near Kochi Within 50 KMs radius have something to offer every traveler.

So, pack your bags, embark on this exciting journey, and let the charms of Kochi and its surroundings leave an indelible mark on your heart.

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