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Tourist Places Near Chennai Within 100 kms: Explore the Enchanting Beauty

Posted by India Kutir on September 1, 2023

When it comes to exploring the beauty of Chennai and its surroundings, you don’t need to venture far. Chennai, often referred to as the “Gateway to the South,” is a vibrant metropolis known for its rich culture, historical heritage, and beautiful coastline. While the city itself offers a plethora of attractions, sometimes you need a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Fortunately, Chennai is surrounded by an array of picturesque Tourist Places Near Chennai Within 100 kms where you can soak in nature, history, and culture.

In this blog, we will explore some of the most charming Tourist Places Near Chennai Within 100 kms, where you can soak in nature, history, and culture.

Mahabalipuram (58 Kms)

A UNESCO World Heritage site, Mahabalipuram, or Mamallapuram, is a coastal town known for its stunning rock-cut temples and intricate sculptures. The Shore Temple, Pancha Rathas (Five Rathas), and Arjuna’s Penance are among the must-visit attractions. Don’t forget to explore the beach and enjoy some delectable seafood at the local shacks.

Kanchipuram (72 Kms)

Kanchipuram is a city famous for its silk sarees and ancient temples. Visit the Ekambareswarar Temple, Kailasanathar Temple, and Varadaraja Perumal Temple to witness the architectural grandeur and spiritual significance of this place. Don’t leave without shopping for exquisite Kanchipuram silk sarees.

Covelong (40 Kms)

For a serene beach experience near Chennai, head to Covelong. It offers pristine sandy shores and water sports like windsurfing and fishing. The Covelong Beach also boasts a Dutch fort turned luxury resort, where you can indulge in relaxation and adventure.

Pulicat Lake (55 Kms)

Pulicat Lake, a brackish water lagoon, is a paradise for birdwatchers. It is home to a variety of migratory birds and is a designated wildlife sanctuary. Take a boat ride to explore the scenic beauty of the lake and spot flamingos, pelicans, and other avian species.

Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary (86 Kms)

If you are a nature enthusiast, a visit to Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary is a must. Located near Chengalpattu, this sanctuary is one of the oldest water bird sanctuaries in India. The best time to visit is between November and February when thousands of migratory birds flock to the area.

Thiruthani (85 Kms)

Thiruthani is a small town known for the Subramanya Swamy Temple, which is situated atop a hill. The temple is dedicated to Lord Murugan and offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. The 365 steps to the temple represent each day of the year.

Muttukadu (35 Kms)

Muttukadu is a backwater paradise perfect for a tranquil day outing. You can indulge in activities like boating, jet skiing, and windsurfing at the Muttukadu Boat House. The scenic beauty and the calm waters make it an ideal spot for relaxation.

Dakshinachitra (25 Kms)

For an enriching cultural experience, visit Dakshinachitra, an open-air museum that showcases the art, architecture, and culture of South India. It’s a great place to learn about traditional crafts and heritage.

Cholamandal Artists’ Village (20 Kms)

Art lovers should not miss Cholamandal Artists’ Village, which is India’s largest artists’ commune. Explore art galleries, interact with artists, and witness the creative process in this serene and inspiring environment.

Crocodile Bank (42 Kms)

The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Centre for Herpetology is a unique conservation center dedicated to the study and preservation of reptiles. It’s a fascinating place to learn about these creatures and observe them up close.


Chennai’s proximity to a diverse range of Tourist Places Near Chennai Within 100 kms radius makes it an excellent base for exploration. Whether you’re interested in history, culture, nature, or simply a relaxing day at the beach, these places have something to offer every traveler.

So, the next time you find yourself in Chennai, set aside some time to explore these enchanting destinations that are sure to leave you with lasting memories and a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of South India’s heritage and natural beauty.

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